Saturday, 5 April 2008

highly disturbing friday..

heard the most shocking piece of news early in the morning.. i think its by far the most shocking since the start of the year? or maybe it can even beat all the rest to be the most shocking of all? i think i shan't elaborate any further on wad happened because it'd be easy to guess who the individual is. ppl who are close to me... like chums and bestie, u all know. as for the rest u all dont have to know. -_-

sigh... i feel all the effort i made to pull u back to society cum reality has all gone to waste. to begin with, why did i even bother? im no saint. i guess i just didnt have the heart to see u goin on wasting ur life. there was really so much more in store for u. how could i make u see? this is the ultimatum whereby i can say ur life is really gonna be in the dumps. its about time i smarten up and leave u alone. u dont have to be sorry nor do u need to give me any answers. its really not necessary. i wish u a good life ahead.. although i highly doubt it may be any good.

went to ikea juz now... the damn place is like partially under renovation and there's really nothing much. ended up having meatballs and its prob the 1st time i went to ikea and didnt end up with a whole load of junk that i dont need (impulsive buying). ohh also swung by to queensway and got me a new pair of glasses. finally after how zachy killed my old pair. alrights i shld head for dinner and then to wala to see one of my fav girls. *grins*