went to watch fantastic four yday.. not fantastic but i thought that johnny torch guy was kinda cute. im still tryin to adapt to having the wkends off cuz when u go out there's like tons of ppl everywhere ard. kinda turns me off but then again if i dun venture out on wkends, during the wkdays i hardly have time to go out. wkdays are basically work, go home and sleep, wake up and back to work again. its a monotonous cycle... *yawns*
wonder what im gonna be doing today. supposed to go to someone's chalet at EC with june when i dun even feel like goin especially when i dun even know them and my bro doesnt wanna lend me his car, its a pain to travel there in public transport. we shall see.. need to shower and head out soon. half a day left to the dreadful monday where there's tons of work waiting to be done! *cries*