so moving on.... oh i mentioned in my previous entry that i'd talk abt the pressies i rcvd. chummy skinny & smally, aw, tg, al & crabbie shared to get me a new wallet. cuz chummy smally asked me wad i wanted and i told her i needed a new wallet. my old money clippy wallet was dying on me. so she said that they cant afford a mont blanc becuz over budget which i was totally cool abt it. as long as they dun get me some funny-lookin, odd-coloured wallet. ended up they got me a mont blanc!!! then i was askin chummy smally isnt it over budget then she said she'd top up the rest! *sniffs* so touched. then norain sprung me a surprise too. i came back from a site inspection and found a box of chocs on my table with a lil note from norain and she came by shortly after to gimme a big hug! so sweet right??! then grace and michelle presented me with another $150 mont blanc vchr cuz i told them i wanted a name card holder. haha now i will have a full range of mont blanc stuff. wallet, namecard holder, key pouch and a pen but in an ugly green. cant complain tho. heh

got back from batam this morning. had a good massage there, it felt so good. fell asleep while tanning and jumped up when the heat finally got to me and now my face+nose hurts like hell. it was like my most interesting trip to batam. made 2 new friends while i was there. we got to know the f&b mgr who used to work in sg and we made friends with a fellow diner while having dinner by the teppanyaki grill.. we were like the only patrons there cuz it was like the rest of the ppl stayin in the hotel decided to have buffet and it was very noisy. we had to waste some money to eat teppanyaki to get away from the crowd. think the dinner check muz've came up to abt $200 cuz we had quite alot of warm sake. ended up this new friend we made insisted he settle the bill for us. he's a damn interesting guy. born in sg, studied in us, living in hkg but works all over the place. he's into shippin, marine engin so happened that he docked his ship for repairs in batam. he left us his namecard and mobile number so that if we ever go to hkg we can give him a call and he'd bring us ard. so nice right? but we shld nv be so trusting towards ppl...

ok thats abt all i need to get ready for wala's.... cheerios!