i even made some friends there. was sitting by the poolside reading my book and this guy swam close to me and started talking.. 'interesting book huh?' cuz i was glued to it for a good hour or so? ended up he was from Iran.. and amidst all the Iranians groups that are giving me headaches at work, here i was making a friend with one of them. how ironic. haha. anyways turned out he's a very nice guy (i know we shouldn't be making such judgements after the 1st meeting) but he invited us for dinner and we chatted quite abit, found out quite alot abt him and his country? my knowledge of them was zilch before i met him. hahaha. so anyways the beauty of the whole thing was he paid for dinner and drinks *yay* i saved some money and its quite a fair bit wor. he'll be popping by in sg before heading back home so we might still meet again cuz he stays at MM, wanna bring biz to CCS but MM is really chargin much lesser for more than we can offer. haha :x
its funny.. the previous time i went to batam i made a friend there too and he too paid for an expensive dinner. im beginning to think batam is a fun place to go too... lol