Sunday, 15 April 2007

monday blues

an update for the past few days..

on friday after fidelio trainin with dearest, took a bus to bedok to have bar chor mee, chicken wings, otah and carrot cake for dinner. as u can hear, we were STARVING! i had a craving for the bedok bar chor mee thats y we travelled all the way there to have dinner. hee. after that very satisfying dinner we took a bus back to suntec cuz yl wanted to have a drink at paulaner's so tg, rt and me+dearest went. shared a .5 dark with dear. wasnt game for more cuz we were really darn full cldn't drink anymore. was not risk drinkin too much and then puke everything out, wasted trip ah!

sat.. i met up with an ex-oriental colleague for lunch while dear was having her fidelio training. went to suntec crystal jade and had dim sum for lunch, thereafter proceeded to axis bar at oriental hotel for coffee (initially we decided on coffee but ended up having a few bots of beer). heh. and so i found out she got a pay increment, bought a 1st-hand car (season parking at marina is only $125/3 mths!!), oriental is gonna sell their national day rm packages at $600+ cuz they have full view of the parade?! seems like everyone ard me is doin well.. when will it be my turn? i always believe every dog has its day... *pant pant* after that met up with dear for dinner she felt like having macky's but it was darn crowded so we decided to go watch a movie. bought tix for the shooter. nice movie! mark wahlberg's cute! and HELMI, no u dont bear any resemblance to him!! dream on! hahaha. so our day ended after the movie, rushed out and managed to catch a bus home. went home, knocked out.

woke up today at ard 12 cuz i was hungry. dear left me at ard 9.30 for her fidelio class. heard that they'll be back at the desk today cuz helmi ran out of stuff to teach already. thats fast. helmi next time u shall take on all those crash course classes. unlike me 1st class and high failure/dropout rate! how demoralising. im afraid to ever conduct a fidelio class again. dearest AMs, can spare me? pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssseeeeeeeeee?

sunday.. yday i was logged on to msn until norain logged on to while at work then she said she had something to tell me. since i was waitin for time to pass decided to meet her for coffee but she decided on chocolate fondue at max brenner's. so she had her fondue and i ended up with belgian waffle which was too much to finish. *pukes* it wasnt that good anyways. and so she was tellin me abt this new guy, that faizal had passed down instructions to treat him with TLC cuz he's sensitive? like issit my prob that u're sensitive, hey come this is a dog eat dog world. u dun really expect ppl to treat u nicer cuz u're weaker than the rest right? WAKE UP! a cue to all those out there who are plannin to take up a hospi or tourism course and that u have like a 60% success rate of joinin the hospi line.. if u dun have wad it takes for eg. u cant watch a gory movie with ur eyes wide open (this relates to the very ugly sight of guests slappin u with sarcarsm and spit when u can acceed to their requests) u dont have the guts to speak ur mind or take everything personally (this is when ur seniors start scolding the shit out of u) all these shld ring a bell for u to betta start planning to find something else to do! sigh... all that aside after max brenner's i went to meet my dearest for dinner and we ended up watchin another movie. sunshine. its quite good altho its not the kinda movie u can relate to the real world. worth a watch, i didnt even know there's michelle yeoh in it until the movie started. cool. ok thats all for now, need to prepare to head out for work... ciaoz.