here are some phrases i came across from sex and the city.. some are cute, some make sense and some are juz too sex-inclined?! haha
"You can't be friends with a squirrel! A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit." -Carrie
"Sex with an ex can be depressing. If it's good, you don't have it anymore; if it's bad, you just had sex with an ex." -Samantha
"Fuck me badly once, shame on you. Fuck me badly twice, shame on me." -Samantha (chum, u used something similar to this on me before right??)
"Practically all the relationships I know are based on a foundation of lies and mutually accepted delusion." -Samantha
oh of course one of the draws to watching sex and the city is jason lewis, he's really cute! and someone told me to go US and find someone like him. and my reply was i will, go to US and get acquainted to a guy (hopefully someone that looks 1/10 of jason lewis) and never come back here. hahaha *drools* i might juz turn damn straight if i can get my hands on someone so *swoons* fucking good looking! hubba hubba.... lol